maritime museum

kea went to the maritime museum and we saw wakas cargo boats cannons and old stuff the cannon was SUPER LOUD. we saw some old stuff back in the 18s the 19s and the old 20s my first time seeing old stuff i was exited looking at old stuff uniforms old chairs old paintings old cannons old houses old things about ships we watched a short film of the wakas of Maori until the wave went higher and the waka got hit by the wave and the son went to do the flag but his mom yelled at him and the other ones saved him the next day when another wave crashed . the son survived the wave his mom was so proud that he survived the wave but sadly the pig drowned they found their island and landed they started singing and drumming and his grandpa gave his necklace to his grandson we went back to the room we went to we ate our morning tea after morning tea we went back to school. THE END.

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